The Whitehouse

Lochaline, Highlands & Islands

Best Local Restaurant

Rating: Very Good

Modern Scottish | Restaurant

Overall Rating: Very Good

Uniqueness: Good

Deliciousness: Very Good

Warmth: Good

Strength of recommendation: Very Good

Local restaurants hardly get more local than this simple whitewashed venue on the Morvern peninsula, reached via a ferry crossing from Mull. There is nothing like a boat journey to sharpen the appetite, especially when there's some excellent food at the other end. Chef Chris Stanley Fotos does his level best to source from within a 10-mile radius, putting a strong emphasis on foraged wild ingredients. Against a backdrop of roughcast white walls and foursquare wood tables (with seductive harbour views to enjoy), his cooking ignites the palates of an eager band of local reporters. Starters such as an aromatic oxtail broth with rice noodles and spring onion salad set the ball rolling, but even the likes of Tobermory smoked salmon with fennel and apple salad and lovage mayonnaise gain through exquisite presentation and unimpeachable raw materials. Main courses exhibit plenty of ingenuity, witness truffle-stuffed Highland chicken with white beans and cauliflower, or perhaps a vegetarian pick of crisp-cooked polenta with roasted courgette, aubergine caviar and spiced cashews. Seasonal fruits make it into desserts (think strawberries with coconut panna cotta and moist pistachio cake) or there could be expertly rendered dark chocolate and orange soufflé with vanilla ice cream. Local gins and Highland malts sit alongside a list of diverse and assertive wines, with Gascon and Sicilian house selections at £5 a glass. 

Rating: Very Good

Modern Scottish | Restaurant

Overall Rating: Very Good

Uniqueness: Good

Deliciousness: Very Good

Warmth: Good

Strength of recommendation: Very Good

Dining Information:

No background music, Family friendly

Lochaline, Highlands & Islands PA80 5XT

01967 421356