Harbour Street Tapas

Whitstable, Kent

Best Local Restaurant

Rating: Good

Spanish | Tapas Bar

Overall Rating: Good

Uniqueness: Good

Deliciousness: Good

Warmth: Very Good

Strength of recommendation: Good

‘Perfect size. Perfect price. Perfectly cooked.' This is what is meant by a local restaurant: a convivial, friendly, family-run place that has a good regular following and where value for money is a big plus. Lee and Lucy Murray’s no-fills, light-filled corner tapas bar – all white walls, blond wood and big windows – fits the Spanish ethos very well. The atmosphere is laid-back, buzzy and sociable, staff are enthusiastic and the offer is bolstered by chalked-up daily specials and a wine of the month. Working out of a tiny kitchen shoehorned in at the back, Shane Martin offers a regularly changing menu where just about every dish begs to be ordered. There’s a seasonal slant to the likes of grilled peach with goat’s curd, anchovy and basil, but menu staples such as jamón Ibérico, Galician octopus salad, chicken thighs with romesco sauce, and ‘next level’ grilled tiger prawns with chilli and garlic have many fans – in fact we got 'dish envy' as the next table’s Duroc pork ribs with membrillo glaze was delivered. If you don’t think you need dessert, think again – everyone praises the Basque cheesecake. Reasonable prices extend to the stash of sherries and mainly Spanish wines.

Rating: Good

Spanish | Tapas Bar

Overall Rating: Good

Uniqueness: Good

Deliciousness: Good

Warmth: Very Good

Strength of recommendation: Good

Dining Information:

Private dining room, Counter seating, No background music, Family friendly

48 Harbour Street, Whitstable, Kent CT5 1AQ

01227 273373