
Bloomsbury, London

Rating: Very Good

French | Restaurant

Overall Rating: Very Good

Uniqueness: Very Good

Deliciousness: Very Good

Warmth: Exceptional

Strength of recommendation: Good

Otto Tepasse is not one to hide his light under a bushel, and why would he? His Gray's Inn Road spot is justly celebrated as a redoubt of French cuisine à l'ancienne, from the black-and-white floor and mint-green walls to the publicity shots of Marilyn Monroe (mais bien sûr), and a culinary approach that reaches far back into nostalgic recall. Order in advance and you can relive the gastronomic heyday of canard à la presse, homard à la presse and Anjou pigeon à la presse (though not all at once to the same table). Even those who haven't thought ahead can be regaled with steak tartare assembled before their very eyes, or calf's brain pané in grenobloise, or coquilles St-Jacques in their shells with beurre blanc. The tournedos Rossini is by no means the only dish to feature foie gras, which is more or less everywhere, while a romantic dîner à deux might turn on a mighty gigot of milk-fed Pyrenean lamb in a glossy jus alive with rosemary and thyme. Boozed-up desserts could easily lead you astray: the baba and pineapple flamed with Jamaica rum; the flaming crêpes Suzette; the Grand Marnier soufflé. Finish with a shot of aged Calvados, but only after testing the bank balance with one of those classic French wines, which ascend gracefully into the four-figure stratosphere.

Rating: Very Good

French | Restaurant

Overall Rating: Very Good

Uniqueness: Very Good

Deliciousness: Very Good

Warmth: Exceptional

Strength of recommendation: Good

Dining Information:

Private dining room

182 Gray's Inn Road, Bloomsbury WC1X 8EW

020 7713 0107