
Brad Carter, Carters of Moseley
Published 01 October 2017

We talk to the owner/chef of Carters of Moseley.

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What inspired you to become a chef?
Definitely the lifestyle and being around food. I started at 15 as a kitchen porter, then went to University College Birmingham and never looked back.

What would you be doing if you weren't a chef?
I would most likely be involved in the underground dance music scene, my other passion.

At the end of a long day, what do you like to cook?
I generally don’t eat after work as we finish late, but I love a fresh tuna salad.

What's your favourite junk food?
I have a soft spot for pizza, but only good quality. I avoid processed food at all costs.

What food could you not live without?
I couldn’t live without eggs; they feature in most of my meals.

What is the vital ingredient for a successful kitchen?
You need good team morale and a clear vision. You should be customer focused and always maintain high standards day in, day out.

What’s your favourite dish on your menu?
Our menus are very ingredient-led, so the dishes change a lot. I’m very keen on ancient rare breeds of meat, like Manx lamb and Tamworth pork.

What is the most unusual preparation technique you use?
We sometimes blow-dry mushrooms! It’s a great way of keeping them longer after washing.

If you could cook for anyone (past or present) who would it be, and what would you cook for them?
I would have loved to have cooked for Prince, he was a legend and the chat afterwards would be special. I would have cooked him mackerel sashimi as the preparation is interesting preparation – like his music.

Who is the most interesting person you have cooked for?
I have to say Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall. He came to my restaurant with his wife, he's a real food hero of mine and I managed to have a fish on the menu he hadn't seen before. He was ace.

What is the strangest request you have had from a diner?
I once had a vegetarian who asked for beef-dripping potatoes with the main course.

Which chef do you most admire at the moment?
My sous chef. He has been with me from day one and keeps on giving and progressing daily. Behind every great chef lies an amazing sous chef…

Do you have a favourite restaurant?
St John. What Fergus Henderson and the team there do is phenomenal, it’s my kind of food. To stay current for 15 years is incredible.

And finally, tell us something about yourself that will surprise your diners
I haven’t missed a service in five years and plan to hit 25 years never missing one!

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Published October 2017